Organized August 31, 1925 • Incorporated November 17, 1930
Chartered with WIBC September 2, 1930
2005-06: Los Angeles Women’s Bowling Association
merged with Southern Los Angeles County Bowling Association
WIBC Letter 1956
2005-06: Los Angeles Women’s Bowling Association merged with Southern Los Angeles County Bowling Association
2004-05: Long Beach Women’s Association (Cal Bowl, Java Lanes, AMF Cerritos) merged with the Los Angeles Women’s Bowling Association
1925-1926 | Philena Bohlin | 1950-1951 | Dorothy Albright | |
1926-1927 | Mildred Hopping | 1951-1953 | Opal Wade | |
1927-1928 | Ruth Bryant | 1953-1961 | Edna Fountain | |
1928-1929 | Bessie Turlock | 1961-1965 | Hazel Borthick Grosvenor | |
1929-1931 | Hazel Taylor | 1965-1971 | Juanita Rich | |
1931-1933 | Harriett Huston | 1971-1979 | Fran Smith | |
1933-1937 | Edna Cobb | 1979-1981 | Violet Wyckoff | |
1937-1939 | Hazel Taylor | 1981-1985 | Phyl Knoll | |
1939-1943 | Ethyl Enck | 1985-1987 | Betty Baker | |
1943-1947 | Loveica Hardy | 1987-1995 | Carol Joyce | |
1947-1949 | Eloise Wilson | 1995-2001 | Phyl Knoll | |
1949-1950 | Virginia Herrit | 2001-2006 | Donna Dillard |
1957-1958 | Judy Kikuta | 1994-1995 | Loretta Jones |
1961-1962 | Marion Empson | 1994-1995 | Tori Levinstein |
1963-1964 | Esther Woods | 1994-1995 | Paula Stevenson |
1963-1964 | Janet Harmon | 1994-1995 | Felicia Tripp |
1965-1966 | Betty Mivelaz | 1995-1996 | Marsha Hashiguchi |
1966-1967 | Shirley Music | 1995-1996 | Jennifer Barron |
1966-1967 | Connie Pick | 1995-1996 | Pam Martin |
1967-1968 | Deedungca | 1995-1996 | Tish Johnson (800) |
1968-1969 | Carol Mastan | 1996-1997 | Terrie Chavez |
1971-1972 | Betty Mivelaz | 1996-1997 | Linder Howard |
1975-1976 | Jean Worthy | 1997-1998 | Deborah Williams |
1977-1978 | Donna Adamek (2 x 300) | 1997-1998 | Lydia Martinez |
1977-1978 | Virginia Norton (2 x 300) | 1997-1998 | Felicia Tripp |
1977-1978 | Amy Takehara | 1997-1998 | Wendy Jaramillo |
1978-1979 | Sandy Ragland | 1997-1998 | Pam Martin |
1979-1980 | Connie Pick | 1997-1998 | Tristen Husli |
1979-1980 | Carol Pike | 1997-1998 | Elie Abeln |
1980-1981 | Janet Colner | 1998-1999 | Pam Pancoast |
1981-1982 | Donna Adamek (3 x 300) | 1998-1999 | Claudette Shannon |
1981-1982 | Sharie Langford (853) | 1998-1999 | Renee Travis |
1982-1983 | Tish Johnson | 1999-2000 | Pam Pancoast |
1983-1984 | Tish Johnson (2 x 300) | 1999-2000 | Lydia Martinez |
1983-1984 | E. Toney Dixon | 1999-2000 | Renee Travis |
1983-1984 | Amyhirt | 1999-2000 | Tish Johnson |
1984-1985 | Tish Johnson (3 x 300) | 2000-2001 | Missy Bellinder |
1985-1986 | Janine Ditch | 2000-2001 | Vanessa Jackson |
1985-1986 | Gloria Haugh | 2000-2001 | Tish Johnson |
1985-1986 | Kathy Susany (2 x 300) | 2000-2001 | Pam Pancoast |
1985-1986 | Luise Ellena | 2000-2001 | Sandi Smith |
1986-1987 | Therese Abair (2 x 300) | 2001-2002 | Tish Johnson (3 x 300/804) |
1987-1988 | Kalani Clark | 2001-2002 | Pam Pancoast |
1986-1987 | Tish Johnson (802-805-806) |
2001-2002 | Michelle Silver (2 x 300) |
1988-1989 | Tish Johnson | 2001-2002 | Cheryl D. Smith |
1990-1991 | Tish Johnson (804) | 2001-2002 | Sandi Smith |
1990-1991 | Kathy Susany | 2001-2002 | Carrie Wolfe |
1991-1992 | Tish Johnson (3 x 300) | 2001-2002 | Lydia Martinez (813) |
1991-1992 | Clara Negrete | 2002-2003 | Sherice Lemons |
1992-1993 | Kellie Estrada | 2002-2003 | Missy Bellinder (3 x 300/847) |
1992-1993 | Tish Johnson (2 x 300/800) | 2002-2003 | Cynthia Cheesman |
1992-1993 | Lori Ann Morihiro | 2003-2004 | Pam Pancoast 300/835 |
1993-1994 | Kellie Estrada | 2003-2004 | Michelle Silver |
1993-1994 | Marsha Hashiguchi | 2003-2004 | Deborah White |
1993-1994 | Wendy Sone | 2003-2004 | Lydia Martinez (800) |
1993-1994 | April Stogryn | 2003-2004 | Angela Koga |
1993-1994 | Jennifer Barron | 2003-2004 | Sandi Caserma |
1993-1994 | Tish Johnson (3 x 300) | 2003-2004 | Cheryl Gartin |
1994-1995 | Ladrena Boyd | 2003-2004 | Stephanie Ybarra-Mendez |
1994-1995 | Shannon Jaramillo | 2004-2005 | Lori Yamasaki |
1994-1995 | Tish Johnson (4 x 300) |
1998-2004 | Roberta McNaught | 1956-1958 | Marie Winter | |
1996-1998 | Betty Anthony | 1955-1956 | Cecelia Isham | |
1986-1996 | Sue Barrington | 1954-1955 | Gudrid Heim | |
1984-1986 | Onita Marlowe | 1953-1954 | Martha Chiilcote | |
1980-1984 | Viola George | 1952-1953 | Rose (Jacobs) Seale | |
1976-1980 | Carol Hilliard | 1951-1952 | Bertha Bogart | |
1974-1976 | Catherine Gordon | 1950-1951 | Rose (Jacobs) Seale | |
1970-1974 | Merlene Eash | 1949-1950 | Gladys Carlson | |
1966-1970 | Alice Meglemre | 1948-1949 | Mildred Peachy | |
1962-1966 | Bertha Abbott | 1947-1948 | Lillian Crawford | |
1960-1962 | Betty (Gmur) Swisher | 1946-1947 | Anna O’Malley | |
1958-1960 | Cecelia Isham |
Crystal Barker 300 | Kathy Babineau 299 |
Truci Curtis 300 | Terry Gainey 299 |
Carole Fischer 300 (2) | Faith Hogan 299 |
Sharon Harnstrom 300 | Anne Jackson 299 |
Karen Kowarsch 300 (2) | |
Sheryl McKnight 300 | Kelly Avalos 298 |
Roberta McNaught 300 | Shirley Bishop 298 |
Debbie Moore 300 | Carol Herbert 298 |
Phylissia Smith 300 | |
Mary Smyth 300 | Association High Series |
Ella Wilson 300 | Janielle Sakata 803 |